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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's Been Too Long...

Very bad I know that it has taken me two months to write again, so many things have happened and I don't even know exactly where to begin... I'll start off by saying I PROMISE to keep this up for the remainder of the year(writing in this blog more often is one of my New Year's Resolutions...) I haven't had internet connection for the past 3 weeks in my host family's house and there have been a few days where I could have updated and I was just being lazy... I want all you to know I'm still alive!! Sorry Mom and Dad!! Over the next few days I will catch you guys up on the past two months don't worry! As of the 26th I have been here for 4 months... time is moving WAY to fast for me... Quick update is that right now it's Winter Break for school! I will utilize this time as much as I possibly can to fill everyone in!! You all have a lot of reading coming you're way... and by the way I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year!!
