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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Last Two Weekends(In Pictures)

These should have been posted a long time ago and these photos are kind of from a long time ago(about two weeks), but laziness combined with being tired, and busy doesn't really help. I'm trying to find a way I can post photos without waiting a long time for them to upload... but here the photos from(The Last Two Weekends post) which you can read by clicking here but anyways voila!
Action shot of me warming up
Pro Petanque Player...ha not really
Petanque Ball
My Snack: LEGIT "French" Fries or Frites
Petanque Tournament: Bar, Concession Stand, a whole lot of people
Balls hahah!
Mostly everyone in Lucenay came to watch, play and socialize!

The late hours of the Petanque Tournament

It was like 2:00am and a bunch of people stayed to see the finals
Lunch at the host grandparent's house(there were actually a lot more people)
The other side of the table

Hmm wonder what that is?
Escargot(Snail)!? Really not as bad as it sounds or looks.

Yes. I ate rabbit...
 A taste of Wine!
Cheese, Cheese and more cheese
Looks funky, but was sooooooo good
Dessert #1 Meringue Custard and gâteau(cake)
Dessert #2 Chocolate Mousse
The View from the Farm
Very Rustic...
I finally got to see the country side of France
The host grandparent's house/barn/farm home
Bella being tired
Pumpkin patch in the garden
Flunch! Cafeteria style fast food restaurant(I thought the name was funny)
Ironic how that day I was craving hamburger and french fries and that's what I got for dinner(it was a hamburger steak.) The gravy was BOMB!
Reminded me of Walmart but French
I've never seen electronic price labels before...
Shopping Center: It reminded me of an American Mall in a way
A variety of different stores(hahah when I took this picture a security guard told me "NO PICTURES!")
I was so happy hahah(the American in me craved this kinda food)
Three plates and dessert and I'm satisfied:)
Bon Noit(Good Night) Flunch!
Medieval Festival: As you can see people were pretty serious about this stuff...
Dominique and Maurice attempting to navigate the place(it was packed)
A lot of nerdy looking stuff, but I thought it was cool..

Lady spinning wool
Medieval Festival in Crémieu
Chess sets for sale

There were like over fifty stands selling all kinds of different things
Hahah everywhere you looked something was going on
These are apparently ancient memorabilia from the Medieval times in France
Snake guy!
We toured the Church that was I guess part of the festival
It was very beautiful
The Altar
Woman playing dead hahah...
Creperie with women in costume!

As I said before people are REALLY invested themselves into this stuff
A Knight!
The second section we explored it had a bunch of little kid games
Looks like so much fun...
So many people! I almost got lost a couple of times

Pastries at the fair...they're always on my mind...

The cast of Lord of the Rings...ha jk
These guys were pouring water on people hahah it was kinda funny 
 Wine for sale
 He was making belts
While drinking this...
 This was CRAZY...everyone was on the edge of their seat the whole time! I give him props.
This stuff is the best...
Bon Bons! 

 A bunch of people watching this guy tell birds to fly to his arm...
It was kinda cool, but the birds totally didn't listen to him a couple of times(he commanded an owl, a giant vulture looking thing and a bald eagle that reminded me of Alaska)
 A little kid's dream
 More costumed French people:)
Albino Avatar-like people during the parade
 Gypsie Band
 Old Ladies dressed up as pilgrims? I think...
Don't wanna mess with these ones hahah.

 Fire twirling people! 
 Pretty Sick!
I thought his costume was pretty cool
 Leaving the Festival
 Hahahah this was so cool and yes there is a person in there...
Goodbye Medieval Festival!

Hope you enjoyed the pics and again sorry they took so long to get up... this week I will be posting like crazy because I have a lot to catch you guys up on. No more delays! Merci for reading!