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Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's Official: First Full Week in France(In Pictures)

 These are only a fraction of the photos from my first week. Enjoy!

First Dinner in France Part 1
First Dinner in France Part 2
Train Station
Gelato in France: Yum

The Streets
View of the City
Sidewalk from School
My School: Pretty Epic huh?
Notre Dame De Mongre: My New School
Big Difference from High School in America that's for sure
Inside the School
This ain't no ordinary school
It has its own Chapel as well hahah
The Grocery Store
Aurelie with all the groceries and school supplies
Blurry: Courtyard of the school
Sideview of De Mongre
More Meat...
Reminded me of AK
Frommage = Cheese!
Shilu being Shilu.
Festival w/ downhill car racing!
It looked pretty fun.
The Countryside
I'm Dying... It's so hot
Downhill Car Racer: Perfect Timing
Romain's Family
I forgot where this was taken to be honest.
The Festival
Gettin' some boir = Drinks
Old French Crossaint Lady
Ha I Wish
The Amazing View of the Rhone Alpes Region
View 2
Breathtaking View for sure
Another View
An interesting monument at the top
Okay last overlooking view shot ha
Couldn't figure it out, but it was pretty cool
Host Family's Vineyard
Wine in the making!
Legit French Crepes
I had like 50 of them hahah
The munchkins my host mom watches: They're very entertaining haha 
Mayor of Lucenay's House
Train Stop Grub
The Train Station
The Orange Train!
I was pretty stoked and the people on the train were looking at me like I was crazy because I kept taking pictures
Train Ticket
The architecture in Lyon
Little French Food Stall
Olympique Lyonnais!
Would have been better if lady to the right wasnt there but still pretty good
The Whole Billboard
Euros = Expensive
This store was like the Best Buy of France
Hahah I dont know why I took this photo...
Ooh la la...
The Shopping Street in Lyon
The street had a carousel, a bunch of stores, a bunch of fast food restaurants, a cinema and a lot more
Starbucks in France!?
Pretty shocking to me.
McDonalds! Notice how its super busy haha. And notice there is no one really fat.
Pomme De Pain: One of the Best Fast Food Sandwiches I've Ever had...no joke
Hahah look at this kid's hair and plus the face he's making. I had to take a picture just priceless
The Streets of Lyon
Hah Ghetto..
The Cinema
French Cinema look at the concession stand pretty sick.
Newspaper/Magazine Shop
More Architecture
The Park in Lyon
A Mini Version of the Eiffel Tower hahah won't be long till I see the real thing
Sick Church
Can't get enough of the architecture
This was pretty cool there was a bunch of bikes that you inserted coins into to ride around the city
The River
The Bridge
More notice the building that looks like a pencil
More sick Architecture
Lyon is great
Another shot
Hahah this girl was changing on the sidewalk I had to take a picture
Boats that looked cool
The French Flag
No Clouds in the Sky REALLY hot that day..
Fountains in the city
Architecture again!
Cafes all around
Self Explanitory
The King's Statue
Epic Building
Another shot of the water
Okay Last one
Hot Day made this the more tasty hahah
French Kids notice their all walking in the same stride hahah
Anime Kids exist in France as well...
Another shot of the church
I was laying on the ground when I took this picture
Dont know if you notice but theyre smokin the waterpipe ha!
Even Subway exists in France...
The Chinese Buffet: AMAZINGLY good food for a buffet and it was great to have a break from Bread and Cheese
Hahahah look at all my school books...crazy huh?
More Euros
Big flower statue in Lyon
Downhill Racing
The Park
A picture that pretty much shows a little bit of everything

Note: The pictures aren't in order they're all mixed up....

Thanks for taking the time to check them out.